Office Staff

  • Ann Ai

    (She/Her), M.Ed., B.A.

    Math Program Coordinator (Maternity Leave Coverage)

    Ann is an experienced mathematics teacher with a strong foundation in curriculum management and data analysis. Ann has a Master of Educational Management and Leadership as well as a Bachelor of Business.

    Ann is responsible for coordinating LDANR’s math programming.

  • Jessica Yaguchi

    (She/Her), M.Ed., BECE, RECE

    Literacy Program Coordinator (Maternity Leave Coverage)

    Jessica has a degree in Early Childhood Education and her Masters in Education. She is also a Registered Early Childhood Educator. Jessica has extensive experience working with children between three and five years old and is passionate about education and learning.  

    Jessica is responsible for coordinating our literacy programs (Reading Rocks and S.L.A.M. Camp).

  • Emily Morrison

    (She/Her), M.Ed., B.A.Sc.

    Literacy Program Coordinator (On Maternity Leave)

    Emily joined the LDANR office staff in February 2021 as a Program Coordinator. Emily has a degree in Child, Youth, and Family and her Masters in Education. She also has a graduate certificate in Autism and Behavioural Science and is a Registered Early Childhood Educator. Emily has extensive experience supporting children and youth with various disabilities throughout the Niagara Region.  

    Emily is responsible for coordinating our Reading Rocks program and S.L.A.M. Summer Camp.

  • Madeline Cipriano

    (She/Her), B.Sc. (Honours), M.Ed. (In Progress)

    Administrative Assistant & Math Program Coordinator (On Maternity Leave)

    Madeline’s academic background is in Psychology and Education, and she has extensive experience both hands-on and administratively supporting children with learning disabilities. Madeline is passionate about advocating for children who have special education needs and their families, and providing support and resources to those individuals to assist them with their learning and day-to-day life.

    Madeline is responsible for administration and coordinating LDANR’s math programming.

    Niagara Catholic District School Board SEAC Representative

  • Taylor Lloyd

    (She/Her), B.A. (Honours)

    Social & Community Program Coordinator

    Taylor joined the LDANR office staff in January 2023 as a Program Coordinator. Taylor has a degree in Child and Youth studies and has extensive experience working with children and youth in the Niagara Region. Taylor is passionate about providing quality programming with a focus on helping youth foster self-advocacy skills.  

    Taylor is responsible for coordinating the LDANR’s social and community programs.

  • Samantha Sendzik-Sinclair

    (She/Her), M.A., B.Ed., B.Sc.

    Executive Director

    Samantha joined the LDANR office staff in August 2015 as a Program Coordinator. In April 2016 she became interim Executive Director before taking on the Executive Director role permanently in April 2018. Sam has been involved with LDANR for a number of years in roles such as program volunteer, facilitator, summer student, and research assistant. Following teacher’s college, Sam studied learning disabilities as a graduate student at Brock University.

    DSBN SEAC representative

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